
Saturday 7 May 2011

Take Me Home Tonight

Take Me Home Tonight
new film from Michael Dow "Take Me Home Tonight" revolves around Matt Franklin (Topher Grace), just graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who happened to be great at math, but not so large to decide what you want to do with his future. Matt, twin sister Wendy (Anna Faris) and best friend Barry (Dan Fogler) to attend a Labor Day party in 1988 on the outskirts of California that will change the direction of their lives and put Matt.

In accordance with the creation, this film is a celebration of 80 should be filled with drugs, sex and rock and roll. In this context, "Take Me Home Tonight" effective subgenre mix, which combines the humor and comedy to attract more traditional.

The film is also part of the romantic comedy: a young boy after chasing unattainable girl and should be impressed. He loved her. Then he tells the truth. He did not like. It has been proved. She still loves him. In other words, the story, such as pop-movie romance so much more functional than the original. This is "Take Me Home Tonight" has won and will lead to another and throw that made ​​the movie and it allows more than figurative.
